About CK Ho


I am a passionate seeker of knowledge and wisdom, with an insatiable love for reading books and delving into the depths of abstract thinking. My interests span across spirituality, physics, the universe, hyper dimensions, and the astral world. I find peace and joy in the company of animals and hold a deep respect for all living beings, abstaining from harm wherever possible.

My life is a balance between organization and spontaneity. I enjoy writing journals and planners, which helps me organize my thoughts, untangle mental knots, and roadmap my future paths. While I thrive on structure, I also embrace a certain level of randomness and chaos, recognizing that it brings a dynamic edge to life.

Over the years, I’ve cultivated a more easy-going and accepting nature. I used to be frustrated when others couldn’t keep up with my logical pace or efficiency, but now I appreciate different speeds and perspectives. My once rigid moral compass has softened, allowing me to respect diverse choices and see the world in shades of grey rather than black and white. Mistakes and wrongs are now part of the human experience that I accept.

I have overcome many personal battles, including tendencies towards addiction and bouts of depression and anxiety. By focusing less on the past and future, I’ve found a healthier balance in the present. My argumentative and critical side has mellowed; I no longer engage in futile debates over semantics or attitudes, choosing instead to focus on meaningful connections and experiences.

Traveling and exploring new cultures and ideas bring me immense joy. I love deeply and am often an over-giver, with a high tolerance for pain and suffering. Financially, I can make money, but managing and keeping it is a challenge I continue to work on.

Through all these experiences, I strive to grow and learn, embracing the complexity and beauty of life with an open heart and mind.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/roppongi.hills.37/
twitter: https://x.com/ckho_0
medium: https://medium.com/@ckhokf
wordpress: https://ckhobooks.wordpress.com
wordpress: https://ckhopoem.wordpress.com
quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Ck4th

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